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4940 Profit Way  Dayton, Ohio   (937) 276-4634

Welcome to the website.  This section of the website is to provide educational insight, basic information and educational lead-ins so that you can have a better understanding of children and early childhood education. We are focusing on these topics for this year and next year, 2019 and 2020

  • Current trends - in early childhood education - The relevant issues in early childhood education have to be met through understanding the issues in education.  The national demand for change in early childhood education is based on poverty, low school achievement rates and how to implement the latest research and educational practices

  • Historical roots The contribution of Martin Luther and John Locke and the founding father of kindergarten, Friedrich Froebel believed children developed through unfolding and compared children to growing plants.  They also believed that children can and should learn through play.

  •  Brain research – There must be a normal growth and development based on the averages.  The height and weight of children is very important to monitor the development of the child. Genetics and environment play a large role in development.

  • Societal approaches and viewpoints Children have two strikes against them before they even get out of the gate.  Issues such as living with their grandparents, being Black or Latino, decreasing support for schools and finding solutions to the great depression of 2008.

  • Learning theories Theorists such as Maslow and the self-actualization theory as well as Erikson’s psychosocial theory and Urie Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory have great information for the early childhood


  • Family, community and cultural values For a quality education and children to achieve on a high level, there must be a healthy environment, the community must be involved, intergenerational programs have to be developed and the parents have to be supportive. 

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